
Manuscript in preparation

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Dataset-relevant biological processes

To generate a genome-wide functional network specific to the user dataset, YETI identifies relevant biological processes (i.e. GO terms) out of a library of 237 distinct biological processes. These dataset-relevant biological processes are clustered into distinct groups based on their gene co-annotations. These distinct groups represent the high-level overview of the functional specificity identified by YETI.

Input file format

The input file format is a tab-delimited text file consisting of the name/ID of the experiment (e.g. GEO's GSM IDs) as columan names, the gene identifiers (e.g. NCBI Entrez IDs) as row names, and the numerical values of the dataset.
The file looks like this:
ID      GSM84590        GSM84602        GSM84603        GSM84604
10998   8.337000        8.395000        8.380000        8.273000
23658   9.180667        9.078667        9.007999        8.829333
23659   6.861000        6.953000        6.832000        6.772000
Click here to see an example input file that you can use for YETI integration.